Events are an important feature of the CCL Community and help members stay in touch with developing news and offer opportunities for deepening their understanding of important issues. Scheduled events are displayed on a national event calendar accessible from the "Events" link in the site navigation menu.
Events Calendar
To access the event calendar, click on the “Events” link on the top menu bar of any page. This will open the Events page. Upcoming events are displayed, as well as a monthly calendar.
Event Categories
Events are categorized as follows:
- CCL Training - Educational training for all supporters.
- Conference and National Events - National conferences and monthly national meetings.
- Local Chapter or Regional Event - Regional conferences or workshops and local events.
- National Action Team Meetings
- Workshops
Finding All Events in an Event Category
From the Events page, select a category from the "Event Categories" block.
Events on your Dashboard
Local, regional, and national events are also displayed on your Dashboard in the “Upcoming Events” block on the right side of the page.
Any events you have RSVP'd for are displayed in the “My Events” block.
Local CCL Chapter and Action Team Events
To find the scheduled events for a local CCL chapter or Action Team, navigate to the chapter or Action Team's group on Community and click on the “Events” link in the menu; see below.