To add or change your profile photo, click the button with your name on the top right of any page and select "View [your name] Profile. This will bring up your Member Profile.
On the upper right side of your Member Profile page, select the camera icon. A list of actions will be displayed. If you currently don't have a profile photo and want to add one, choose “Add Profile Photo.”
Then, in the resulting dialogue box, browse to the desired photo on your computer or device, select it, and click “open.” Next, the photo will be displayed in a box. You can drag the image to adjust the cropping. Select “Save” to make it your profile photo.
For best results, crop a copy of the photo on your computer or device to the portion of the image you want and in a square format.
The acceptable file types are JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, or BMP, and the maximum size allowed is 20 MB.
If you'd like to change your profile photo, please follow the directions above to add a photo. Browse to the new photo, select, crop, and save, and the old photo will be replaced.
If you want to re-crop your profile photo, click on the camera icon and select “Crop Profile Photo.”