One of the biggest advantages of CCL Community is the prominent role that forums play. If you have a question, want to share an important idea or resource, or are curious about how others are handling a certain challenge, we encourage all CCL Community members to post in the forums.
There are both Sitewide Forums and group forums.
Accessing Sitewide Forums
To access the Sitewide Forums:
- Go to "Connect" in the top menu of any page
- Select Sitewide Forums.
Sitewide Forums organization
Sitewide Forums are organized in broad areas such as "General Discussion" or "Lobbying Congress." Members post questions or useful information. On the Sitewide Forum page below the list of forums is a box displaying recent activity (topics and posts) from all the forums. On the right side is a “Search Forums” field, guidelines, and forum help.
Group forums
To access your CCL chapter or Action Team forums:
- Go to your CCL chapter or Action Team home page and click on “Forums” in the left-side menu
Whether in the Sitewide Forums or your group's forums, once you've selected a forum category you will see various topics that members have posted about. You can view topics by selecting the topic text from the post, or post your own topics by selecting the "Start a New Topic" button on the bottom of the page.
Once you've clicked on a topic you can see the full post, along with any replies that other members of the CCL Community have posted.
Bookmarking topics
If you find a particular topic, or even an individual post particularly useful, you can bookmark the topic or post so that you can get to it later.
Subscribing to a forum category
You can also subscribe to a forum category to be notified about future posts and discussions. Refer to the following articles for further instructions on subscriptions: