Posting a question, news and updates, advice, or starting a discussion thread is super easy on CCL Community.
How to post a topic to a Sitewide Forum
- Go to the Community website.
- Look at the main navigation menu at the top of the page.
- Click on "Connect" and then select "Sitewide Forums" from the dropdown options.
- Browse through the available top-level forums listed there to find the one that best matches the topic of your post.
- If you're unsure where to post, opt for the Ask Us Anything forum.
- Some top-level forums are divided into categories. Check if there are categories within the forum you've chosen. Decide if your post fits better in one of these specific categories or in the general top-level forum. In the screenshot below, there are three categories in the Lobbying Congress forum.
- When you're in what seems like the best place for your post, select the "Add Topic" button at the top of the topics window.
- If the forum has categories, when you click "Add Topic," a list of categories dropdowns.
- Select the desired category and then "Add Topic."
- In either case, this brings up a page to enter both the topic subject and text.
- Enter your question, news and updates, advice, etc., into the text editor and style using the style menu.
- When it's finished, please click Post.
Master the art of forum post subject lines!