This article is intended for members with Group Leader or Admin rights.
1. Individually
First, select the "Interests" tab in the roster. Then use the search box to find the member to update. Click on the blue button to the right of a CCL chapter member's name to open up a list of interests. Select any number of interests for that member by clicking on the checkboxes. When finished, click on the "Save" button in the upper right to make sure these edits are saved.
2. Mass Update of Selected Members
You can also update multiple members' interests simultaneously if the interests are the same. To do this click on the left side checkbox for all members you want to include in a mass group update. Once all have been selected, click on the "Mass Update Selected Rows" button in the upper left above the contact fields and a new dialogue box will open up. In this box select any number of interests by clicking on the corresponding boxes. When finished, click on the Save button in the upper right to make sure these edits are saved.
Note: Updating interests in the roster will overwrite the interest fields of members selected. Interests will be updated in our database immediately but it will take up to one day before they appear in CCL Community.