This article is intended for members with Group Leader or Admin rights.
Action Teams have rosters that list all CCL Community members that have joined the team. The Action Team Roster is similar to a CCL Chapter Roster, but with a different layout and differences in functionality.
Action Team group leaders have access to the roster by clicking on the “Admin” link on the bottom left side of the home page. Then select the “Team Roster” link in the "Group Tools" block.
Group Leaders can also give team members admin rights to view the roster. Click on the “Admin” link on the left side of the home page and then select the “Permissions” tab. Click on the “Add” button and then search for the desired member in the box that pops up. Select member and click “Add.”
Note: Unlike CCL chapter rosters, you can’t add or remove members using the Action Team Roster. Action Team members are automatically added to the roster when they join and removed when they leave.
The Action Team Roster has seven columns with member information: member photo (avatar), name, email, phone, location, chapter, and Group Leader (notes whether member is a Group Leader or Group Admin). Columns can be individually hidden, if desired.
The roster has tools that allow you to view members several ways, as well as to filter by keywords.
The default sort order of the roster is alphabetically by member last name. However, it can also be sorted by any of the other columns. Mouseover the column name and click on the three dots to view a dropdown menu with options. You can sort alphabetically ascending or descending. Click “Unsort” to return to the roster default sorting by last name.
Additionally, you can filter any of the columns. Mouseover the column name, click on the three dots and select “Filter” in the dropdown. Enter a keyword (“filter value”) in the popup box. Choose “contains, equals, starts with, or ends with.” The roster will automatically show you the filtered group of members. For example, if you can’t remember someone’s last name, but you know their first name, you could search for all members whose name contains “John.” Or in the location column, you could filter for all members residing in a specific state. Or in the chapter column, filter for members of a specific chapter. Click on the “X” on the left side of the filter box to turn off the filter, and click outside the box to hide it.
You can also use the “Filters” button in the top menu of the roster to filter any of the columns.
You can export the full roster, or a filtered subset of the roster as a .csv file. Just select the “Export” button in the top menu.
The “Density” button provides options for adjusting the line height.
Note: Action Team Rosters do not have an edit function for directly updating member’s contact information, CCL chapter, or roles.