From the Action Tracker homepage (Recent Actions), click the "View/Edit" button to the right of the individual action to get to the edit screen. You must be the action submitter, a Group Leader, or a Chapter Admin to edit actions.
From the Edit page, you can add yourself or others to an action that's been logged already.
- After clicking the "View/Edit" box next to any previously logged action, scroll down the page until you see the "Who participated?" section.
- Begin typing a name in the box - yours or someone else's. It will display a list of members in your group with that name.
Note: For data security purposes, a person cannot add themselves to a lobby meeting or legislator contact action. In this case, you need to ask the notetaker for the lobby meeting to add you.
How to Edit an Action
Once an action has been logged, you can change details about it.
- Click the "View/Edit" box next to any previously logged action.
- Find the aspect of the action you'd like to edit and click on the light green pencil icon next to that aspect (highlighted below in red).
- Type in the change you want, and click the SAVE button.