Assigning Forum Moderator permissions
This article is intended for members with Group Leader or Admin rights.
Group Leaders can grant Group Admins permission to moderate forums. To do this,
- Select “Admin” on the home page
- Select the “Permissions” tab
- Check the "Forums" box for the Group Admin. (The member must already be a Group Admin to grant this permission.)
Forum Moderator Capabilities
Group Admins with moderate forums permissions can select from the following options when other group members post topics (the Forum Moderator options are accessed by clicking on the three dots on top right of post).
- “Lock this topic “ prevents anyone from being able to reply.
- “Change to Announcement” posts the topic as an announcement, in its own category above the forum topics - to be used for events and notifications rather than discussion oriented content. If the topic is already an announcement, then the option will be to "Change to Standard Topic.”
- “Pin topic” permanently mounts this topic to the top of your category’s list to make it more prominent or easier to find.
- “Edit” allows moderator to to edit topic.
- “Move this topic” changes the category this topic is housed in (i.e., from Intros to General). Your moderators can move topics if they deem them a better fit.
- “Delete” eliminates the topic (and all responses to it) from the forum.
- “Objectionable” reports the topic to CCL Community's IT Admin account to manage
- “Bookmark” adds a bookmark for the topic in the Forum Moderator’s bookmark block