This article is intended for members with Group Leader or Admin rights.
When joining (or later) CCL members can select whether they want to receive text messages from Group Leaders or other CCL communications. In Chapter Rosters there is a field called “Text Opt-in.” To see this field, select the “Roster Details” tab. If a member has opted-in, the value will be “Yes.” You can order the list of members to show “Yes,” “No,” or “All” values on top.
To export a list of members that have opted-in (or out), select the “Export” tab on top. Now you will see a blue drop-down above the bar of fields, labeled “TEXT OPT-IN.” You can select “All,” “Yes,” or “No.” Scroll to the bottom of the list and select the button “Export List to CSV” to export an Excel-compatible file.
You also have the ability to opt-out any chapter member from text messages. Select the “Roster Contact Info” tab, locate the member and select “edit” next to the name. The text opt-in field is only editable if the requesting chapter member is already opted in. If a chapter member is not listed as opted in and wants to be opted in have them use CCL's Text Alert page to change their status.
Note: Unfortunately CCL leaders can't manually opt-in chapter members for text messages because of SMS guidelines that require implicit electronic consent from the individual, not from a third party.